We’re really glad you’re here. Take a moment to slow down and take a deep breath.

Spiritual Direction & Supervision

Hosting a contemplative and compassionate space to hold the deep questions of life.

"To listen another's soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery may be almost the greatest service that any human being ever performs for another."  -Douglas Steere

Our spirituality is a means of relationship; relationship with God, ourselves, one another, and the world. Listening deeply in these relationships invites us to greater freedom and wholeness.

Spiritual direction and formation create a compassionate and gentle space to enter these vulnerable conversations. Entering in allows us to experience an inner spaciousness, inviting us to pause and savor experiences, opening us in all our relationships.

Whether you consider yourself a Christian or are questioning the meaning of the world, let’s pause for deeper meaning and deeper connection.

Our Offerings

  • Spiritual direction is an ongoing relationship in an individual or group setting where we sit together in God’s presence while listening for the movement of God in the directee’s life. We don’t try to come up with solutions to the struggles along the way but listen to what God has to say about living life in God's presence amid the struggles.

  • Are you processing a decision that doesn’t seem to have a clear direction forward? Do the possibilities before you clutter your process? Perhaps the uncertainty of what is unknown or the obstacles that appear in the way cloud your view.

    What if the wisdom you need is deep within you? Listening together in a discernment process is often a helpful way to recognize our desires and hear the Sacred leading.

    This space is open to individuals and groups.

  • Supervision is an essential practice as we walk alongside others. We offer a collaborative approach between peers in a contemplative, compassionate, and evocative framework. Supervision, as a regular spiritual practice, not only meets the ethical requirement as we host others, but it provides a space to grow in our own practice of spiritual direction.

  • Spiritual formation is a rich experience within a course or a retreat space. It is a means to learn more about ourselves, God, and how we walk alongside others. We all long for shelters of belonging where we can see and be seen, know and be known in brave spaces. Experiencing community in this way opens and supports our own life journey.

    We offer virtual courses through the Companioning Center and facilitate classes, studies, and retreats with existing groups.

  • Both Lynn and Kathi are available to apprentice Directors and Supervisors independently and bring a cohort training style to the Companioning Center. If you are interested in either option, please get in touch with us to talk through what may be the best option for you.